EUHF Championship – 2020

EUHFC 2020 results became official and final on 16 Oct 2020

CW/SSB – High PowerCW/SSB – Low Power
Jack Danielyan, R2AAYaroslav Oleynik, UW7LL
Sponsor: Simon Sintič, S53KSponsor: Lithuanian Radiosport Federation
CW – High PowerCW – Low Power
Victor Yarovoy, UW1MYuri Pavlov, UT4LW
Sponsor: Karl D. Bučar, S52AW“9A5K Memorial” (Sponsor: Emir Memić, E77DX)
SSB – High PowerSSB – Low Power
Rolandas Jokubauskas, LY4ANicolò Tonci, IZ6TSA
“E77W Memorial” (Sponsor: Bosnia and Herzegovina Contest Club)Sponsor: Jure Vraničar, S57XX
Corrections after the publication of preliminary official results
Correction #1: DL5AXX score has been recalculated because of a known bug in DXLog related to the wrong QSO order in CBR log what produced “fake” band changes violations. DXLog developers corrected the bug.

Correction #2: OK1DOL Cabrillo log as it was submitted indicated the wrong license year, different that it was sent. This had no effect on the correct calculation of the final results. These are UBN cosmetic fixes that have already been updated, the results remain exactly the same.
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